Exploring the insight6 franchise and what it could mean for you

There’s no doubt that the insight6 franchise is very unique, both as a business model, and as a franchise opportunity. While it is built around the concept of mystery shopping – something I am sure you are familiar with – there is a great deal more to this business model. insight6 focuses on the much broader importance of customer experience for every business, and takes an approach which is far more in-depth than that simple, primary concept.

It is well worth taking the time to understand just how insight6 works and why it has been such a game changer for thousands of British businesses. To help you take a deeper dive into this concept, insight6 CEO, Jonathan Winchester, has created several new videos which we will be bringing you over the next few weeks.

A great place to start is understanding the journey so far, and that all begins with Jonathan, how he started out in the world of customer experience (CX), and how it later inspired him to create insight6, the world first’s and only customer experience franchise:

The second video is all about what insight6 actually does for businesses, and how it uses its unique approach to help them achieve their full potential:

Why CX is more important for businesses than ever before…

Did you know that UK businesses are now spending double – or even triple – the amount of resources of improving Customer Experience (CX) than they did before the pandemic?

For businesses like insight6 who had already put themselves right at the very cutting edge of CX transformations back in 2016 with their unique combination of services, this boost has led to record numbers of clients. But why is CX becoming so much more of a priority for British businesses? And why is it so essential to their future success?

As always with specialist subjects like this, it is worth turning to the experts, and no-one puts it better than insight6’s very own CEO, Jonathan Winchester in his latest video.

Have you got what it takes to harness the power of CX in your career?

There’s only one way to find out, and that’s to get in touch.

I’m not going to give you the hard sell, or put you under any pressure, but I would like to hear about your goals and ambitions so that we can both learn if an insight6 franchise might be the right fit for you.